Focus Tool Kit©

“The faculty of voluntarily bringing back a wandering attention, over and over again, is the very root of judgment, character, and willAn education which should improve this faculty would be the education par excellence. But it is easier to define this ideal than to give practical directions for bringing it about.” William James (1890)

Focus Tool Kit©

Focus Tool Kit© is a hands-on tool both for you and your students. It has been developed with the vision to “Build students’ awareness of their attention level’, identify when they are absolutely attentive, when it wanders and how to bring it back to be most effective”.’ It makes them kind and gentle with their attention. Students engage in a 3 step structured process that is fun, engaging and playful at the same time. When followed, this tool helps you cultivate an attentive, present-centred and non – reactive mental mode.

Grounding Practices in a Classroom

What does the Focus Tool Kit consist of?

  1. Attention- Frequency Scale (AFS) – A simple Attention awareness scale for your students
  2. Focus Wheel – Fundamental elements that enhance present moment awareness. 
  3. Attention Pauses Handbook – Mindfulness-based attention “anchoring” practices

How does the Focus Tool Kit help you to help students? 

  1. Build awareness about students’ attention level. Move students from an Auto-Pilot or to a more focused mental model of operation.  
  2. Build a healthy relationship with the Mind .
  3. Improving classroom learning by regulating Mental travel time and Moods.
  4. Cultivate Attention Awareness in a classroom – Where is my attention? My mind has wandered – I need to bring it back…..
  5. Use Mindfulness-based attention “Anchoring” techniques during classroom sessions. 
  6. Offers you structured evidence based model and a visual aid that helps tune out distractions and remain focused throughout.
Introducing Attention Frequency Scale and Focus Wheel Chart

Attention Frequency Scale (AFS)

Attention Frequency Scale (AFS) is an Attention – Awareness scale used by a teacher to help students identify their Attention & Mood frequencies in a non – judgemental way.

Focus Wheel Chart

A Focus Wheel uses Intention, Deliberations & Mindfulness-based Anchoring practices to regulate Attention and Moods. A teacher-led instructional medium that supports learning readiness in the classroom, self-regulation and Self – acceptance. Using contemplative pedagogy teacher & students work together to cultivate Kind-fulness ( Mindfulness + Kindness) while building focus and concentration.

How can school use Focus Tool Kit©

Focus Tool kit can be easily integrated as a part of the classroom routine. A 5 – step structured process helps teachers bring in Attention management, Social-Emotional learning and Mindfulness practices in a holistic way. A perfect way to balance Academic and SEL goals.

Separate time – tabled Mindfulness Class – Teachers, facilitators or school counselors can choose to conduct Mindfulness class on a daily/weekly basis.

Focus Tool Kit© Training

Teachers/ Counselors/Facilitators receive a 4-hour Intensive training on Attention Training, Mindfulness Awareness practices and Focus Took kit implementation in a classroom – set up. The learning is extended through an online platform where an expert guides and learners exchange, share and co-create ideas.