Mindfulness Programme for Teachers

Mindfulness Programme for Teachers

Be Well to Teach Well

Why do teachers need to be Mindful?

Most teacher training focus primarily on content and pedagogy,  overlooking the very real social, emotional and cognitive demands of teaching itself. How does a teacher take care of her own emotional need? How does a teacher stay focused in a chaotic class? How does she stay calm and composed throughout the busy day? How does she make a smooth transition from one session to another? How does a teacher manage her work and personal life?

On the other hand, how does a teacher manage a disruptive class? How does she create a disciplined and an organized classroom environment? How does she teach empathy in the gentlest way? How does she address attention and behavioral issues in classrooms?

It‘s essential for adults working with young children to be well—physically and emotionally. Better health enables better relationships with children, and research has long demonstrated that good relationships are crucial for children‘s learning and social-emotional development. Mindfulness helps teachers be more effective at reducing conflict and develop more positive ways of relating in the classroom, which can help them feel more contented at work.

How we conduct Mindfulness programme for teachers:
We offer 2 ways to work with teachers

1. 2 Day Workshop + a Review session
2. 8 weekly sessions + 2 Review meets

Apart from the aforementioned offerings, workshops can be customised as per need and time-availability.