A collaborative space for teachers and parents to support students’ growth, well-being, and potential. By fostering curiosity, care, and resilience, the Learner’s Hub strengthens partnerships that empower learners to thrive.
Focus Tool Kit
Focus Tool Kit© is a hands-on tool both for teachers which uses principles of Mindfulness and Kindness to build Attentional Wellness in students. It has been developed with the vision to “Build students’ awareness of their attention level’, identify when they are absolutely attentive, when it wanders and how to bring it back to be most effective”.’
Mentor U
Mentor U – An Intensive Mindfulness online program for Educators. Our goal is to first and foremost, to offer Mindfulness building resources to help them develop their own skills, attitudes and emotional states to deepen connection and trust with their teams.
Mentor Plus
Mentor Plus is a tool that enables teachers to use practical skills and strategies focused on communication and interpersonal skills. It includes a hands-on, skill-based program that helps create a positive, nurturing learning environment and, most importantly, fosters compassionate